We offer a vast range of surgical instruments, including scissors, forceps, needle holders and clamps, as well as autopsy specific instruments, such as electric saws, bone cutting forceps, rib shears, saws, shears, probes, mallets, chisels and ladles.
- De Soutter Replacement BladesReplacement circular and segment blades for the 369494B De Soutter NS3 autopsy saw, with a...
Starting At £29.85
- Medezine Replacement BladesReplacements circular and segmented blades for the 374107B Medezine autopsy saw
Starting At £21.50
- De Soutter Extractor Unit & AccessoriesDe Soutter NS3 autopsy saw extractor unit comprises of hood and hose kit, for use with the...
Starting At £80.50
- De Soutter Replacement Filters & BagsReplacement bags and filters for the 369494B De Soutter NS3 autopsy saw. The saw has a fou...
Starting At £33.85
- Medezine - Heavy Duty SawMedezine heavy duty saw. This is a budget autopsy saw and has a lower voltage than the Me...
Out of stock - Medezine - Swordfish Hand Piece OnlyMedezine swordfish 5000 autopsy saw hand piece only
Out of stock - De Soutter - NS3 Control BoxDe Soutter NS3 control box. This is a replacement control box for the 369494B autopsy saw...
Out of stock - Medezine Filters & AccessoriesVacuum unit replacements parts, paper filter, cloth filter, micron cartridge filter, vacuu...
Out of stock